
Sports day and BBQ

On Saturday 26.8 we had 40 asylum seekers and refugees coming for our sports and BBQ day. Not all of our usual families could come as they had to prepare a large wedding for the next day. However, some new families and individuals came and now want to come regularly.
The sports day was a selection of funny competitions, like three-legged race and a lime and spoon race (as they do it in Sri Lanka – replacing the egg with a lime). There was so much laughter among young and old participants.
The BBQ was also a great success followed by cakes and ice creams. Many thanks to Ali for bringing leftovers from the buffet at Saph’s funeral and wake. – The picture shows our Palestinian chef in charge of the vegetarian BBQ.
The sandpit proved to be a big hit among the younger children. And when they were allowed to make a tent out of blankets it proved that children from around the world like doing the same things.
The singing session was led by John and Zweyla. Many thanks to them both, to our many volunteers and to the drivers giving lifts from and to the train station.